Pandy Upchurch | Tennessee Healthy Habits

Friday, March 7, 2025 | 7:30am - 9:00am
The Nashville Food Project

Pandy Upchurch has a bachelor’s degree in wildlife and fisheries science from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and a master’s degree in biology from Austin Peay State University. She has been an interpretive naturalist for over 40 years at such places as the Woodlands Nature Center at Land Between the Lakes, Dunbar Cave State Natural Area, the Warner Parks Nature Center, MTSU’s Center for Environmental Education, and the Tennessee Naturalist Program. She was the Middle Tennessee Biodiversity Coordinator, the Instream Flow Coordinator and the Assistant Chief of Biodiversity in her 17 years at the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. She also taught biology at Columbia State Community College for two years. She has been conducting Wild Edible classes in Tennessee since 1984. She currently owns Tennessee Healthy Habitats, LLC, a consulting service that helps Tennesseans increase the biodiversity on their land.

This month’s presentation, Tennessee’s Globally Significant Biodiversity, will cover the threats to wildlife diversity in Tennessee—the most biologically diverse inland state—and will discuss the conservation measures that are being taken to protect our state’s biodiversity, which are at great risk.

Save the date for future monthly programs!

Friday, April 4: Jenny Shelton, Larkspur Conservation

Please note that the views and opinions expressed during TWIG monthly programs are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of TWIG.

Become a member

TWIG hosts hybrid (virtual and in-person) programs from 7:30am - 9:00am on the first Friday of every month. TWIG meetings are open to the public, and we encourage anyone interested in learning more about TWIG to attend. We do ask that you become a TWIG member after attending a meeting or two in person. Your membership helps sustain TWIG and ensure that we can continue to provide monthly meetings!

Do you want to make an announcement at a monthly program? Let us know! Sponsors should contact our Sponsorship Coordinator to request time to make an announcement at a meeting. These announcements will be made at the end of the meeting.

Members can send announcements to to be included on our website or social media.

Past Programs

  • Tiffany Wilmot, President, Wilmot, Inc.

  • Maris Masellis, Communications Manager, Tennessee Environmental Council

  • Hanes Motsinger, Project Manager, The Nashville Food Project

  • Alice Hudson Pell, Executive Director, TennGreen Land Conservancy

  • Nancy Youssef, Chief Business Development Officer, Soles4Souls

  • Katherine Dennis, Community Engagement Manager, Friends of Mill Ridge Park

  • Stephanie Biggs, Staff Attorney, Southern Environmental Law Center

  • De’Etra Young, Associate Dean of Academics and Land-Grant Programs in the College of Agriculture, Tennessee State University

  • Jessica Dauphin, President and CEO, Middle Tennessee Transit Alliance

  • Misti Schroeter, Holistic Living Practitioner

Check out other previous TWIG speakers and presentations in our library.